Thursday, March 31, 2005

A girl to a girl

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

This is a verse that has puzzled me of late. It knocks down so many of our society's ideals and general way of life. Girls (and boys) starve themselves to obtain perfect figures. We wear makeup and our clothes set off ALL our assets. Jane Austen's ideal young lady of poise and grace is also upset by this verse. Charm is trying to be kind and witty to others, but it is also a front for many people before they show their true(sometimes ugly) colors.

I get so caught up in the idols of this world. I want people to see me a certain way, to think I'm pretty, and to find me talented and kind. Yet these are the things that will not matter before Jesus.(well maybe kind) How is a girl to fear the Lord when there are so many distractions and trials.

Lord Jesus may I focus on you and not the things of this world. May You help me "through the night". May I be a woman worthy of praise because I have followed You.