Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Is it right to laugh at sin?

Is it right to laugh at sin?

How often do laugh at sin? How often when watching a movie or tv do we laugh at someone who is gay or person who has hemmed themselves into a corner because they lied? Are these suppose to be funny?

"These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren."
Proverbs 6:16-19
Sing_a_Song_of_Sixpence said this:
"the Bible says that the LORD hates these sins, and that they are an abomination to Him. He is perfect, and I think that it's safe to say a perfect God hates all sin... So my question is this: since the perfect God hates all sin, is it biblical for us to laugh at any sin? "

I ask you the same question. Is it wrong for us laugh at sin? It defiantly gives us something to think about.

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