Saturday, August 11, 2007

Currently Reading
When Life and Beliefs Collide
By Carolyn Custis James
see related

Dear Rebecca,

I loved getting your questions. I read in the book
that Jeff Price mentioned, When Life and Beliefs
Collide, that there is this word that means strong
helper. It is used to describe Eve, but it is also
used to describe God. The Psalmist use it when they
call God their help when they are in need. The book
can put it better than I can and I would encourage you
to read it. I am no Greek scholar, but Carolyn Curtis
is and she does a beautiful job bring it down to a
level that I can understand with out losing any of the
significance or power of the words.

Adam and Eve didn't so much have to fight for any
things as God had given them a mission to carry out.
The mission was first given to Adam, but Eve added her
strength to his to help effectively carry out the
mission that God entrusted to them both.

I would encourage you to read it for yourself. There are
so many concepts that really spoke to my heart as a
woman and as a Christian.

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