Saturday, July 16, 2005



Size = large people are not more human than small people, no matter the size

Level of Development = a 4-year old is not less human than a 21-year old, nor more human than an unborn child

Environment = where you are has no bearing on who you are, you are still human

Dependency = if viability (non-dependency) is what makes us human, then all those who depend on pacemakers, dialysis, medications, etc. are non-human

I have a real heart for unborn children. I believe that even in the wome that every child is unique and special.(and I have four sisters; talk about some sepcial people) I once heard someone talk about pro-life using these priciples. I hope that these same principles speak to your hearts as well.


We're all porcelain said...

i agree whole-heartedly in this subject...abortion=wrong

Nono said...

Good blog corrie!!