Saturday, March 11, 2006

We went to Frostburg to go see my sister for her birthday this weekend.... or so I thought. I was not happy about this trip. I had made plans for this weekend I couldn't believe that my parents made a last minute to go see Annalee for her birthday. I had made sure to tell them I had plans, but they decided to go anyway.

We met my sister and her boyfriend, Eric, at Burger King for dinner on Friday. We sat down to eat and I noticed my mom was doing something funny with her hands. Shaking them in a weird way. I looked at her and she nodded towards my older sister. I looked at my older sister and then I looked at her a hands. I saw that she had gotten a nice pretty new ring. A NICE PRETTY NEW RING!

She saw my glance and then she told us that Eric had proposed to her! She told us how her proposed and we all agreed that we will send our boyfriends to him for lessons on how to propose.

He had a project for his astronomy class and he did a presentation on the stars. At the end he asked my sister how it went. He then said he had some questions for her and asked her several questions about stars and such. He then said," I have one final question." Then he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She said yes. They called my parents and told them, but asked them to not tell us girls because Annalee wanted to tell us in person.

Isn't that totally AWESOME! I have done a lot of shouting in this post, but the I am just so happy. Hugs and kisses to you all and great is our God who has the perfect plan.


matanda said...

oh my gosh!!! me n becca r sitting here reading this and we are both like shreiking with joy!! im so happy!!! thats sosososososo exciting!!! yay!!!

Beccah said...

I'm so glad they're getting married. It's amazing how God has brought them together and worked through everything. Its a testimate to his goodness. I'm so excited! They're actually getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nono said...

Well, he wasn't that when we met him and if she said that then she would have given away the whole point and surpirise of the post and I'm just writing sill stuuf now because I'm bored and now I am going to go.
