Thursday, November 25, 2010

This holiday is actually all about relationships. Thanksgiving was started when the pilgrims came to Massachusetts. The first year was very difficult with lack of food, lots of sickness, and death. The relationships that they formed with the Wampanoag Indians helped them the next year. Yet they were a people who had already formed a relationship with someone. Many of the settlers came because there was a chance for land, money, or freedom; however, some of the settlers came because they wanted to worship God in freedom. They prized this relationship so much that they were willing to leave their comfortable lives and find a place where they could worship without persecution. I live in a country founded on Christian principles, have a wonderful family that raised me with Christian morals. I am truly blessed.

Hebrews 12:28

28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,

Father, You have blessed me by putting me in a nation where I have freedom to worship You. I can thank You for all the many gifts that You give. My family, my mother's health, being with my dad during his skin cancer treatment, my new nephew, my new home, good friends, my job, my boss, the skills that you have given me. These are all great gifts from You. Father, I wish to take this thanksgiving and share it with the world. As opportunities arise, may I be open to You will. As I look for opportunities to share the gospel, may You be with me. As I hope, dream, and pray to minister on the mission field, would You show me how to minister were ever I am. As I seek to worship and honor You, would You be so present in my life that I cannot do anything apart from You and that would hurt You. Give me strength, give me love, give me good deeds to do so that I may share You to the world. Amen.

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