Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I've been thinking alot about missions trips latly. I remember one missions trip I went on with my whole family. We went to JARRS and worked there for a week. While there I meet William Cameron Townsend. I said, "Hi, how are you?" and he smiled at me and then went back to playing with his blocks. His mom came later to pick him up from the daycare center. He was the great-grandson of the William Cameron Townsend the famous missionary, the man who founded Wycliffe Bible Translators. William Cameron Townsend the third's parents were missionarys and were back on ferlow. It is so neat to think that I babysat a third generation missionary.

That's a pretty cool story and all the pastor's I meet think it's pretty neat; however, we are all missionarys. We all have a mission from God that we were ment to carry out. We may not be third generation missionarys. But we are missionarys in the here and now. Right here we are missioarys.
Dear Heavenly Father, help me to be a missionary to those around me. May You make me a servant who follows whole heartly after You. Amen.

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