Sunday, January 15, 2006

Proverbs 8:36b

"all who hate me love death."

Happy Sanctitiy of Life Sunday.

This is the Sunday where we remember just how special life is. Today my pastor preached a sermon on the sanctity of life. We live in a time where life is not held in very high regard. There is abortion, euthenasia, video games filled with violence, movies about murder, and a thousand different other things in our society that scream DEATH. We lived in a sick twisted world. One of the things that my pastor said was that abortion or disrespect for life is nothing new. This can be seen in any culture where God was not prevelent. The Romans left there unwanted babys out side the city walls to die. The acient Japenese would tie ropes around their waist and pull until they would pass out or the baby would abort. In almost every culture there has been some way to ride the population of unwanted children. It is a sad thing that our culture now faces, but I'm glad to say that we are makeing great strides. I'm not saying that the battle is any where near being won, but God has blessed us. Let us not grow weary before the cause is won.

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