Monday, October 31, 2005

Who is Peter?

I like people watching. Watching people and see them go about their daily lives fascinates me. I also like to imagine how the people I read about would look and behave. I recently acquired this new perspective of Simon Peter. You know, he was the one that denied Jesus three time, the one who had the guts to say that Jesus was the Christ, the one who rebuked Christ for speaking of His death, and the one that Jesus built His church upon.

Peter certainly had to put his foot in his mouth a lot. He did some really stupid things and some not so very wise ones. But he was the one who Christ built His church on. Peter may have made mistakes, but God was able to work through Peter despite of them and because of them.

I have recently learned to view Peter as the most annoying person I can think of. Why? When I am trying to deal with this person, it helps me to think that this could be another Peter. God can use this person for His glory and even though I can't see it right now, this person may be the next spiritual giant of our time. It takes a quirky, driven, and enthusiastic person to be like Peter. So don't write someone off just because they are annoying. Pray for them and ask God that He would use them in the furtherance of His kingdom.

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