Friday, November 25, 2005

Paraoxysm: A sudden outburst of emotion or action

My pastor just used this word in His last sermon. I thought it was cool so I decided to post about it. (can you post about a word? well I guess if you can post about a cat...)

Hebrews 10:24
24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

How can we spur our fellow Christians toward love and good deeds? My pastor said we should have a paraoxysm. You can use and JOYFULL!!! paraoxysm or a Angery paraoxysm. Paraoxysm can be in all sorts of emotions. But the point is you can use emotions to spur others toward Christ.

I often don't do this. If some one needs spurred on or maybe the equivilent to a fire lite unders their rears, I tend to hold them and say,"It's okay, baby." I should be saying,"Don't just stand there pouting, use this situation for the glory of God. Enough mopping and get moving." Maybe I don't have to be that harsh with them, but I need to be pointing them toward the cross.

God gave us paraoxysms for a reason. To use them.

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